Wild Roof Journal is an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people—painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression.
Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming environment for artists to share their work. The people behind the scenes of Wild Roof are fellow artists—we know the amount of time and energy it takes to produce a finished piece, and the challenges of getting it out into the world for people to see. We want to offer opportunities for artists to connect with other artists as well as to promote their work to a larger audience.
We would like to keep our themes broad enough to offer a lot of room for interpretation. Our emphasis is on presenting the most engaging and thoughtful artwork possible, not on adhering to strict rules for subject matter or style. As a guideline for what we find interesting, here are a few points to consider:
- Our aesthetic preferences are varied, but we tend to favor unique perspectives and experimentation. More traditional forms are appreciated as well; however, with wildness comes some level of the unpredictable and the weird… If you feel like you do things a bit differently than “the norm” (whatever that means to you), then you’re probably in the right place!
- We tend to like work that is inquisitive and curious, at times mysterious, at times playful. So, if you find questions more interesting than answers, you’re on the right track for us!
- Although we have categories for our submissions, we are absolutely interested in hybrid forms or work that defies easy categorization. If this describes your work, we encourage you to submit; if necessary, you may pick the category that’s most fitting and add a note to explain your work in more detail.
Note for all submissions:
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw pieces from consideration if they are accepted elsewhere. If you have a previously published piece that you feel deserves our attention (and you have retained the rights), please acknowledge the previous publication.
- If your work is accepted, you agree to give Wild Roof Journal online publishing and archival rights; following publication, all rights revert back to the author/artist. We ask that you credit Wild Roof Journal if the work is published elsewhere in the future.
We're looking for someone to read a selection of our poetry and/or fiction submissions during our review process. (You may note your genre preference in the submission.) The reader will also have opportunities to write book reviews for new small press publications.
The selected candidate will have an input for which pieces will appear in the upcoming issues. The amount of submissions to review is flexible based on the candidate's availability.
This is a volunteer position; however, we are more than willing to offer what we can in terms of supporting your creative endeavors and allowing you to expand your efforts beyond evaluating submissions. This could include social media, Substack, audio/video work, as well as general collaboration to develop WRJ's offerings.
The most important consideration for us is finding someone who shares our creative vision for Wild Roof Journal. Please review the website for our previous issues, as well as our Substack, to get an idea of our sensibilities.
Feel free to add any questions for us in your submission info.
Optional: If you are a writer or artist, you may attached a few representative samples of your work.
Thanks for considering this opportunity, and we hope to hear from you!
Submissions are currently open for our upcoming issues. Send us your best visual art (painting, drawing, photography, digital), writing (poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, essay), or hybrid forms. Here are our general submission guidelines:
- 1-8 visual art pieces - keep file size under 10mb; we will ask for higher resolution images if needed for publication; .jpeg file type preferred
- 1-6 poems (submit multiple poems in a single file; .docx preferred)
- 1-3 pieces of short fiction (approx. 1,000-3,000 words) or flash fiction (under 1,000 words)
- 1-3 pieces of creative non-fiction/essay (total length approx. 3,000 words max.)
If you like what you see, subscribe to our Substack. We feature guest posts from our contributors, lit mag profiles, writing prompts, and more!
About Us: Wild Roof Journal is an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people—painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression.
Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming environment for artists to share their work. The people behind the scenes of Wild Roof are fellow artists—we know the amount of time and energy it takes to produce a finished piece, and the challenges of getting it out into the world for people to see. We want to offer opportunities for artists to connect with other artists as well as to promote their work to a larger audience.
We would like to keep our themes broad enough to offer a lot of room for interpretation. Our emphasis is on presenting the most engaging and thoughtful artwork possible, not on adhering to strict rules for subject matter or style.
Note for all submissions:
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw pieces from consideration if they are accepted elsewhere. If you have a previously published piece that you feel deserves our attention (and you have retained the rights), please acknowledge the previous publication.
- If your work is accepted, you agree to give Wild Roof Journal online publishing and archival rights; following publication, all rights revert back to the author/artist. We ask that you credit Wild Roof Journal if the work is published elsewhere in the future.
Submissions are currently open for our upcoming issues. Send us your best visual art (painting, drawing, photography, digital), writing (poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, essay), or hybrid forms. Here are our general submission guidelines:
- 1-8 visual art pieces - keep file size under 10mb; we will ask for higher resolution images if needed for publication; .jpeg file type preferred
- 1-6 poems (submit multiple poems in a single file)
- 1-3 pieces of short fiction (approx. 1,000-3,000 words) or flash fiction (under 1,000 words)
- 1-3 pieces of creative non-fiction/essay (total length approx. 3,000 words max.)
- We are also drawn to lyric essays, strong narrative voice, and memoir-esque pieces.
- .docx file type preferred (other than visual work)
If you like what you see, subscribe to our Substack. We feature guest posts from our contributors, lit mag profiles, writing prompts, and more!
About Us: Wild Roof Journal is an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people—painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression.
Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming environment for artists to share their work. The people behind the scenes of Wild Roof are fellow artists—we know the amount of time and energy it takes to produce a finished piece, and the challenges of getting it out into the world for people to see. We want to offer opportunities for artists to connect with other artists as well as to promote their work to a larger audience.
We would like to keep our themes broad enough to offer a lot of room for interpretation. Our emphasis is on presenting the most engaging and thoughtful artwork possible, not on adhering to strict rules for subject matter or style.
Note for all submissions:
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw pieces from consideration if they are accepted elsewhere. If you have a previously published piece that you feel deserves our attention (and you have retained the rights), please acknowledge the previous publication.
- If your work is accepted, you agree to give Wild Roof Journal online publishing and archival rights; following publication, all rights revert back to the author/artist. We ask that you credit Wild Roof Journal if the work is published elsewhere in the future.
Submissions are currently open for our upcoming issues. Send us your best visual art (painting, drawing, photography, digital), writing (poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, essay), or hybrid forms. Here are our general submission guidelines:
- 1-8 visual art pieces - keep file size under 10mb; we will ask for higher resolution images if needed for publication; .jpeg file type preferred
- 1-6 poems (submit multiple poems in a single file; docx preferred)
- 1-3 pieces of short fiction (approx. 1,000-3,000 words) or flash fiction (under 1,000 words)
- 1-3 pieces of creative non-fiction/essay (total length approx. 3,000 words max.)
If you like what you see, subscribe to our Substack. We feature guest posts from our contributors, lit mag profiles, writing prompts, and more!
About Us: Wild Roof Journal is an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people—painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression.
Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming environment for artists to share their work. The people behind the scenes of Wild Roof are fellow artists—we know the amount of time and energy it takes to produce a finished piece, and the challenges of getting it out into the world for people to see. We want to offer opportunities for artists to connect with other artists as well as to promote their work to a larger audience.
We would like to keep our themes broad enough to offer a lot of room for interpretation. Our emphasis is on presenting the most engaging and thoughtful artwork possible, not on adhering to strict rules for subject matter or style.
- Although we have categories for our submissions, we are absolutely interested in hybrid forms or work that defies easy categorization. If this describes your work, we encourage you to submit; if necessary, you may pick the category that’s most fitting and add a note to explain your work in more detail.
Note for all submissions:
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw pieces from consideration if they are accepted elsewhere. If you have a previously published piece that you feel deserves our attention (and you have retained the rights), please acknowledge the previous publication.
- If your work is accepted, you agree to give Wild Roof Journal online publishing and archival rights; following publication, all rights revert back to the author/artist. We ask that you credit Wild Roof Journal if the work is published elsewhere in the future.
With this special "hands on" Spring submission you will receive a poetry postcard, passed from our hands to yours (via the hands of the USPS, of course). Each postcard is an original pen & ink drawing by EIC Aaron Lelito and original poem by a writer from the WRJ community. Please note that only U.S. addresses can receive a postcard.
As bonus, you will get 1-month paid access to the Wild Roof Journal Substack, which features guest posts from our past contributors, bi-weekly lit mag listings, writing prompts, and more.
Our general poetry / Art submission guidelines:
- Up to 6 poems (submit multiple poems in a single file; .docx file type please)
- Up to 6 visual art pieces (all media are welcome; .jpg file type preferred)
About Us: Wild Roof Journal is an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people—painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression. Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming environment for artists to share their work. We would like to keep our themes broad enough to offer a lot of room for interpretation. Our emphasis is on presenting the most engaging and thoughtful artwork possible. As a guideline for what we find interesting, here are a few points to consider:
- Our aesthetic preferences are varied, but we tend to favor unique perspectives and experimentation. More traditional forms are appreciated as well; however, with wildness comes some level of the unpredictable and the weird… If you feel like you do things a bit differently than “the norm” (whatever that means to you), then you’re probably in the right place!
- We tend to like work that is inquisitive and curious, at times mysterious, at times playful. So, if you find questions more interesting than answers, you’re on the right track for us!
- Although we have categories for our submissions, we are absolutely interested in hybrid forms or work that defies easy categorization. If this describes your work, we encourage you to submit; if necessary, you may pick the category that’s most fitting and add a note to explain your work in more detail.
Note for all submissions:
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw pieces from consideration if they are accepted elsewhere. If you have a previously published piece that you feel deserves our attention (and you have retained the rights), please acknowledge the previous publication.
- If your work is accepted, you agree to give Wild Roof Journal online publishing and archival rights; following publication, all rights revert back to the author/artist. We ask that you credit Wild Roof Journal if the work is published elsewhere in the future.
If you like what you see, subscribe to our Substack. Poems from our archives, lit mag updates, insightful posts from our contributors, and more!
Note: All submissions received in for this expedited call will include a PDF download of our Issue #28, released in January. We hope the work of our amazing contributors sparks your inspiration & creativity! (Check the e-mail associated with your Submittable account to receive your PDF.)
In addition, we provide a personalized response for our expedited submissions. Although this is not detailed feedback, it is a way for us to share something that we appreciated about your work and give you a bit of insight into what caught our eye during the review process.
We're looking for work that will appear in our upcoming issues! Issue #30 is scheduled for Summer. Submissions from this call will be considered for that issue first. However, you'll still be considered for future issues once our Issue #30 allotment is reached.
Send us your best visual art (painting, drawing, photography, digital), writing (poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, essay), or hybrid forms.
Here are our general submission guidelines:
- Up to 6 poems (submit multiple poems in a single file; .docx preferred)
- Hybrid / visual poetry is welcome. Any images may be attached as .jpg files.
- Visual Art is welcome. If you create both poetry and visual art, you may attach a selection of your visual pieces within this submission as well.
If you like what you see, subscribe to our Substack. We feature guest posts from our contributors, lit mag profiles, writing prompts, and more!
About Us:
Wild Roof Journal is an online art & literary publication that features work from a wide range of creative people—painters, drawers, photographers, digital artists, writers, poets, and anyone else who is passionate about the creative process and self-expression.
Our primary goal is to provide a welcoming environment for artists to share their work. The people behind the scenes of Wild Roof are fellow artists—we know the amount of time and energy it takes to produce a finished piece, and the challenges of getting it out into the world for people to see. We want to offer opportunities for artists to connect with other artists as well as to promote their work to a larger audience.
We would like to keep our themes broad enough to offer a lot of room for interpretation. Our emphasis is on presenting the most engaging and thoughtful artwork possible, not on adhering to strict rules for subject matter or style.
Note for all submissions:
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw pieces from consideration if they are accepted elsewhere. If you have a previously published piece that you feel deserves our attention (and you have retained the rights), please acknowledge the previous publication.
- If your work is accepted, you agree to give Wild Roof Journal online publishing and archival rights; following publication, all rights revert back to the author/artist. We ask that you credit Wild Roof Journal if the work is published elsewhere in the future.